After work today I stopped down at the Fulton Street Artisan Market on Fulton and Fuller. Imagine my surprise when I pulled in after 2pm to find the market packed with both artists and market shoppers. I had to park at the very end of the market and it looked like is would have been at 11am. PACKED!!! I could not believe it.
It was totally amazing, there was painters,wood workers, block prints, cement birdbaths and fountains, jewelry and new art created from old "junk" it goes on and on, I was told there were like some 83 artists. I could not believe it. I saw old market friends and made new ones. It made me want to create and get ready in a few weeks to share my talents again this summer.
This will be my third summer at the market and I can not wait to join my fellow artists. The FSMA board needs to be congratulated on the success of the market and its continued growth, they are doing a great job. Thank you friends, Ill see you at market soon.
Check out FSMA on Facebook:
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